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8,90 €
Always with you: the practical folding bag LOLA_B. When not in use, it is quickly folded into the sewn-on front pocket and waits in your handbag to be used.
The foldable shopping Bag Lola_B is not lined to minimize fabric consumption and is sewn quickly. All open edges are edged decoratively with a bias tape. You can see in advance how this works in this short film (sorry its in german): IRON AND SEWING BIAS TAPE
You can sew 3 completely different folding bags according to the instructions, depending on your taste and sewing ability.
How much fabric does the LOLA_B folding bag pattern need?
Cotton 75 cm [29 1/2″] (width at least 110 cm [43 1/4″])
With plain fabrics the pattern can also be laid crosswise, i.e. in weft direction, in which case a width of 55 cm/140 cm [21 5/8″/ 55 1/8″] is enough.
Depending on the variant, other ingredients such as:
– Illustrated sewing instructions in PDF format – 10 pages
– Pattern in original size (PDF format for print and glue)ย – 12 pages
– Pattern bag as plotter file in DIN A0 format (for printing in a copy store)
After paying for the ebook, you will receive a link that will take you to your PDF files.
ยฉ Copyright: This e-book is the intellectual property of The copying, sale and distribution of this e-book is not permitted. The pattern and instructions are for private use only.
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PDF-Pattern |
8,90 €
NewsletterabonnentInnen erhalten exklusiv 15 % Rabatt bei Neuerscheinung von Schnittmustern.
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Liebe Kundinnen, liebe Kunden,
in der Zeit vom 24.12.24-6.1.25 mache ich Weihnachtsurlaub.
In dieser Zeit kรถnnen Downloadschnittmuster wie gewohnt bestellt werden. Die Papierschnittmuster werden am 7.1.2025 versandt. Alle Mail- und sonstigen Anfragen beantworte ich ebenfalls ab dem 7.1.25.
Eine schรถne Weihnachtszeit und alles Gute im kommenden Jahr wรผnscht Dir,
Ingrid Berzsenyi-Paetzel
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