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8,90 €
Functional pattern for project bag with variable inner compartments and carded edge for better work. The pattern contains two sizes and as a special edition a travel version. And to be honest, the project bag is just too beautiful to just stand on the sofa
The project bag Bi&SI pattern leaves nothing to be desired. The sewing pattern is available in 2 sizes – The choice is yours:
As a large project bag, it offers enough storage space for jumpers and cardigans – even in XL format or for long cuddly scarves and socks for the whole family.
The pattern also includes a 20% scaled down version for smaller volume projects such as socks or hats etc. The divided interior pocket is perfect for keeping your instructions, circular needles, double pointed needles, crochet hooks etc. well organised. Your stitch markers are attached to a ring, ready to hand at all times.
The characteristic Japanese drawstring closure narrows the opening (more or less, depending on fabric quality), which can also be closed with a magnetic button.
With both sizes, you can roll the top edge of the bag outwards. While you are knitting or crocheting, this feature makes it easier for you to access and work in general. Ingenious, isnโt it?
As a special option, we have developed a travel version of the project bag: You can attach a long shoulder strap to keep your hands free during transport. Also choose a robust outer fabric,
e.g. Dry Oilskin. This keeps the contents protected, even when it rains or when itโs windy and sandy on the beach. If you would like to add a zipped interior pocket for this edition, you will find it in the instructions.
The pattern offers many possible combinations in the choice of fabric, wearing comfort and pocket division in the lining.
Canvas, jeans, dry oilskin, tweed, upholstery fabrics in light to medium weight qualities, wool felt, velvet. Fusible fleece interfacing lends stability to the bag without making it unnecessarily stiff. You can also use more „stiffening“ interfacing if you wish.
– Illustrated sewing instructions in PDF format – 14 pages
– Pattern project bag in original size (PDF format for print and glue) in black and white – 9 pages
– Pattern project bag 20% reduced (PDF format for printing and gluing) in black and white – 6 pages
– Pattern bag as plotter file in DIN A0 format (for printing in a copy store)
After paying for the ebook, you will receive a link that will take you to your PDF files.
ยฉ Copyright: This e-book is the intellectual property of and SpringiDesign. The copying, sale and distribution of this e-book is not permitted. The pattern and instructions are for private use only. Currently no licenses are granted.
Available |
PDF-pattern |
7,90 € – 13,50 €
7,90 € – 13,50 €
7,90 € – 13,50 €
NewsletterabonnentInnen erhalten exklusiv 15 % Rabatt bei Neuerscheinung von Schnittmustern.
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Liebe Kundinnen, liebe Kunden,
in der Zeit vom 24.12.24-6.1.25 mache ich Weihnachtsurlaub.
In dieser Zeit kรถnnen Downloadschnittmuster wie gewohnt bestellt werden. Die Papierschnittmuster werden am 7.1.2025 versandt. Alle Mail- und sonstigen Anfragen beantworte ich ebenfalls ab dem 7.1.25.
Eine schรถne Weihnachtszeit und alles Gute im kommenden Jahr wรผnscht Dir,
Ingrid Berzsenyi-Paetzel
Claudia C. (Verifizierter Besitzer) –
Ich habe von einem Krodelzug auf einen Reiรverschluss geรคndert und es ist nun eine schรถne Tasche zum hรคckeln aus de nichts rausfallen kann
Frk Wiberg –
I made the project bag in the smallest version, using „Navy Organic Beeswax“ from Merchant & Mills. It’s a nice little bag, and not so mall come to think of it, I could fit an almost complete Louvre pullover in it, along with needles and yarn!
I didn’t make the draw string closure, since my fabric was a bit too sturdy and I didn’t want to ruin the crispiness of the papery feeling. And this is why I gave it 4 โญ and not 5, I would have appreciated an alternative closing. A part from that it’s a perfect bag!
Nadine (Verifizierter Besitzer) –
Ein wirklich super tolles Schnittmuster, tolle Erklรคrung. Ich bin ganz verliebt in meine neue Projekttasche!